Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the program cost?
The cost of our break camps depend on both the length & location of the camp. Prices can range from $95-$500.
Costs for our After-school enrichment programs vary from school to school, based on number of classes offered and any additional costs/scholarships offered by the individual schools. Please contact your after-school program provider for more information. The highest range is at School locations that have their own registration process.
Prorated Billing
Billing may be prorated for students if there is room after a session has already started. Otherwise, priority will be given to students who are enrolled for the entirety of a session. Please contact us or your after-school program provider with any specific questions.
How/when do I pay for classes?
Online registration and payment is preferred. However, checks can be made payable to Pinnacle Explorations Outdoor School and mailed. Payment is due before the beginning of each session.
Do you have before-care/early drop-off?
We do not have before-care, however we do allow for early drop-off at 8:50 am for our camps at no additional charge. Campers can do quiet activities (crafts, coloring, puzzles, etc) while staff finish setting up for the day.
Late Pick-up Policy
Our break camps end at 3:30 pm at all of our locations, except for at Villa, which ends at 4:00 pm. We offer the option of Late-Care until 5:30 pm at either a drop-in rate or for the entire week. This option can be added at the beginning of the week, otherwise additional fees may be charged. For our after-school enrichment programs, late pick-ups will be handled by the after-school program provider, which may incur additional costs. Please call the school if you think you might be late.
Are you able to accommodate a child with special needs?
We try to accept all students within our capabilities, and encourage parents who believe that Pinnacle can be a good option for their child to Contact Us.
Tax ID
Pinnacle’s FEIN is 46-4507378