Board of Directors

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Althea Chaivan

Althea and her children have been a part of Pinnacle from the start. She brings with her over 12 years of project and team management experience. She was also a volunteer coordinator with the Big Brother, Big Sister program. Althea has a strong belief that all children should have access to programs that encourage scientific understanding, environmental stewardship and camaraderie. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling with her family and fostering rescued Jindo pups.


Fan Zhang

Fan has been designing products and leading product teams that help people for over 10 years, ranging from life-saving medical products to impactful consumer electronics. Fan received his BS in materials science and MS in bio-engineering from Stanford University. Fan is passionate about working with underprivileged youth, serving as a mentor for the Big Brother & Big Sister program for over 5 years. Outside of work, he also enjoys hikes and spending time outdoors with his family.


Jonathan Koomjian

Jonathan is the computer programmer responsible for keeping this site running.  He grew up in the Midwest, and earned a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Grinnell College before moving west to be closer to the mountains. Jonathan spends his free time dreaming up and building cool tech projects that help people reduce their environmental impact. On the weekends, he can be found backpacking in the Cascades, making up for lost time.


Interested in joining the Pinnacle Explorations Board of Directors?

The board is actively recruiting for new board candidates, especially those who can contribute in any of the following ways:

  • Contribute to the board’s diversity, ideally representing communities without current representation

  • Have connections to the news media or social media outlets

  • Have experience dealing with city government or city planning

  • Willing to commit 4-8 hours per month attending board meetings and events

  • Willing to join one or more board committees and to participate in fundraising activities 

If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please contact our Executive Director at